Barium swallow

 Barium swallow what is barium swallow is a dedicated test of the pharynx esophagus and proximal stomach and may be performed as a single or double contrast study the study is often modified to suit the history and symptoms of the individual patient but it is often useful to evaluate the entire pathway from the lips to the gastric fundus

Preparation one preparation needed for the study is overnight fasting to avoiding smoking or chewing gum.

 Indications one dysphagia swallow difficulty to paint during swallowing three assessment of mediastinal muscles for assessment of left atrial enlargement five pre-op assessment of carcinoma bronchus and esophagus 6 motility disorders or visa figures indications seven assessment of the site of perforation eight zanko's diverticulum and cricoid webs in these cases water-soluble contrast media are used example Castro Griffin or Diana slack works nine obstructions ten gastro a show Sejal reflux disease CRB.

Indications eleven assessment of a hiatus hernia twelve generalized epigastric pain thirteen Globus foreign gs-14 persistent vomiting 15 assessment of fistula 16 inability to pass the endoscope during ug contraindications one suspected perforation to post-operative assessment for leak three trochee Oh esophageal fistula for constipation may develop five anaphylaxis may occur in people who are allergic to the barium drink six aspirations.

contrast technique one 100% barium sulfate-based to 80 percent barium sulfate suspension three 30% barium sulfate suspension for high kV technique for 200 to 250 percent high-density low viscosity for double-contrast study.

Positioning one soft tissue neck a PA and lateral Scout to neck AP and lateral three erect are a oh and L a Oh procedure one Scout films are obtained to rule out any foreign body abscess or fistula to the examination is performed in the upright lateral position after swallowing high-density barium procedure three right lateral views should be obtained initially to rule out aspiration or penetration then frontal views are obtained for dynamic with your fluoroscopic examination should be simultaneously acquired for optimal evaluation.

Procedure five spots are obtained

quickly during suspended respiration and

under formation to distend the

hypopharynx types of contest study one single

contrast multiple mouthfuls of 80% width

V barium suspension is given to double

contrast barium contrast should be high

density low viscosity 200 to 250 percent.


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