Ultrasound for Hydro nephrosis diagnoses
Ultrasound for Hydro nephrosis diagnoses H ydronephrosis is defined as the dilation of the urinary collecting system of the kidney due to obstruction we can see the psoas muscle and we see the dilated renal pelvis of the right kidney following the identification of hydronephrosis we must investigate further to find the underlying cause there are many possible causes for this obstruction including Ural Elias's ureter pelvic Junction obstruction and malignancies such as cervical cancer and retroperitoneal fibrosis in ultrasound a dilated renal pelvis and dilated calluses lead us to the diagnosis of hydronephrosis the large eco free the structure here in the middle of the kidney is the renal pelvis here you can see the fluid-filled calluses suggesting hydronephrosis if the ureter is dilated as well like here, we say it is hydro ureter and Neph roses there are four grades of hydroneph...