
Showing posts from June, 2021

Ultrasound for Hydro nephrosis diagnoses

Ultrasound for Hydro nephrosis diagnoses   H ydronephrosis is defined as the dilation of the urinary collecting  system of the kidney due to obstruction  we can see the psoas muscle and we see the dilated renal pelvis of the right  kidney following the identification of hydronephrosis we must investigate  further to find the underlying cause  there are many possible causes for this obstruction including Ural Elias's  ureter pelvic Junction obstruction and  malignancies such as cervical cancer and  retroperitoneal fibrosis in ultrasound a  dilated renal pelvis and dilated  calluses lead us to the diagnosis of  hydronephrosis the large eco free  the structure here in the middle of the  kidney is the renal pelvis here you can see the fluid-filled calluses suggesting  hydronephrosis if the ureter is dilated  as well like here, we say it is hydro ureter and Neph roses there are four  grades of hydroneph...

Ultrasound of liver for Liver Cirrhosis

Ultrasound of liver for Liver Cirrhosis  Ultrasound features  of liver cirrhosis Liver cirrhosis is a diffuse process  characterized by fibrosis  and the conversion of normal liver  architecture into structurally abnormal  nodules  three pathologic processes leads to  cirrhosis  cell death fibrosis and regeneration  the sonographic features of cirrhosis  vary during the course of the disease  early serotic changes include  hepatomegaly  and possible textural changes  these imaging features alone are  non-specific  and unreliable in detecting early  histologic changes of cirrhosis  with superimposed fatty infiltration the  parenchymal echogenicity increased  as compared to the normal renal cortex  more specific ultrasound features of  cirrhosis are seen with late disease  one of these features is volume  redistribution  in early stages of cirrhosis the liver...

Ultrasound of liver for Acute hepatitis and Fatty liver

Ultrasound of liver for Acute hepatitis and Fatty liver Acute hepatitis In acute hepatitis, there is diffuse swelling of the hepatocytes proliferation of cup for cells and infiltration of the portal areas by lymphocytes and monocytes the sonographic features parallel the histologic findings in most patients the liver appears normal hepatomegaly is seen in many cases thickening of the gallbladder wall occurs in up to 80 percent of acute hepatitis particularly in viral hepatitis as you can see in this case it occurs due to hypoalbuminemia that generates gallbladder wall edema periportal lymphadenopathy can be seen in patients with acute hepatitis particularly in viral hepatitis as you can see in this case the liver parenchyma may show diffuse hypoechogenicity with accentuated brightness of the portal triads or periportal cuffing this appearance is called starry sky appearance starry sky appearance is non-specific but most commonly associated with hepatitis it has poor sensitivity and spe...

Ultrasound of normal liver anatomy

Ultrasound of normal liver anatomy  T he normal ultrasound  anatomy of the liver we will discuss grayscale  characteristics of the liver  vascular supply of the liver and how to differentiate between portal veins and  hepatic veins. We will discuss the segmental anatomy of  the liver  as well as threshold measurements for the liver  the liver lies in the right upper  quadrant of the abdomen  functionally it can be divided into three lobes the right lobe  the left lobe and caudate lobe  the right lobe of the liver is separated from the left lobe by the main lobar  fissure  which passes through the gallbladder  fossa to the inferior vena cava  the right lobe of the liver can be  further divided into anterior  and posterior segments the left  intersegmental fissure divides the left  lobe into medial  and lateral segments the caudate lobe is  situated on the posterior aspect of the...